Welcome to the Fit Reisen Press Area

Here you will find the latest press releases about the company and our brands Fit Reisen, SpaDreams, Yoga Escapes, Aytour and Tripz

We regularly publish press releases about Ayurveda, yoga, fasting, detox, treatment programmes and anti-stress. We would also be pleased to provide you with individual information and picture material on trends and hotel offers from the health and wellness travel market. Please do not hesitate to contact us!

The Fit Reisen Group

With Fit Reisen, the Fit Reisen Group offers the leading tour operator for health and wellness travel. For more than 40 years, the company has stood as a symbol for healthy holidays with attractive relaxation and activity offers. The portfolio primarily includes Ayurveda, yoga, fasting and detox, spa and anti-stress travel. With the brand Tripz, the group expands its offer to include eventful short trips and travel vouchers.

Click here for the Fit Reisen Group Company portrait as of 2020 (only in German)

For further company information as well as interview or picture enquiries please contact Sarah Hachmann via e-mail: presse@fitreisen.de or telephone: +49 (0)69 40 58 85 – 424.

Information on image rights and terms of use of the Fit Reisen Group can be found here (only in German).

Press Contact – Fit Reisen Group

+49 (0)69 40 5885-417

Booking inquiries, questions about paid marketing campaigns can unfortunately not be answered by the press team. For these questions, please feel free to contact marketing@fitreisen.de.

Press Reviews
only German